Doriana Qoli

Doriana is a law student, pursuing her studies at the University of New York Tirana. She is graduating this year in the Master of Science in Law.

Doriana is a law student, pursuing her studies at the University of New York Tirana. She is graduating this year in the Master of Science in Law. During her studies Doriana was engaged in various trainings and conferences with a focus in civil law, human rights and has also conducted different research papers in the same fields.

She is attracted to civil law, especially bankruptcy law, business law, intellectual property law and arbitration. She also finds  refugee law as part of human rights, a very interesting field where she presented and published as well in the official website of University of  New York Tirana a research paper  on “Internal displacement protection by the doctrine” (February 2019). The refugee law course and the research paper are co-founded by Erasmus and by European Union (Jean Monnet Module).

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