New food labeling requirements to take effect very soon!

The Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 434, dated 11.07.2018 “On Food Labelling and Provision of Information to Consumer” (“the Decision”) will enter into force from 19.07.2020. The Decision is partly harmonized with the EU Regulation no. 1169/2011 “On the provision of food information to consumers” of the European Parliament and of the Council (hereinafter “the EU Regulation”).

In line with the spirit of the EU Regulation, the Decision establishes rules in order to guarantee high-level of protection of consumer’s health and interests by setting standards on providing full information regarding the products which will allow consumers to make well-thought choices based on all the needed information, and to use the products in the correct way, paying special attention to its health, economic, environmental, social and ethical aspects.

The Decision is applicable to 1) food business operators at all stages of the food chain; 2) all food destined for the final consumer, including foods delivered by mass caterers and foods intended for supply to mass caterers; 3) catering services provided by transport undertakings.

Every food product intended for supply to the final consumer or to mass caterers must be accompanied by the food information as set out in the Decision.

The Decision defines the responsibilities of the food business operator that is the person responsible for the food information, under whose name (or trade name) is carried out the marketing/trade of the food product. In case of imported food products, the responsible person will be the importer.

In a nutshell the Decision sets out specific new rules to be complied with regarding all aspects of labeling of food products and information to customers by abrogating the former labeling regulation approved by Decision of Council of Ministers no. 1344, dated 10.10.2008 (DCM no. 1344).

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